Turn on the power of healing.
You may think of chiropractic as a snap, crackle, pop that relieves back pain, but it's actually a holistic medicine that turns on the healing power within your body.
Your nervous system coordinates just about every concious and unconscious function in your body. Every day your nervous system integrates a myriad of experiences: some physical, biochemical, emotional, or spiritual. Sometimes the flow of energy gets stuck and stored so it can’t do its job of keeping organs and muscles functioning optimally.
Appropriate, gentle, individualized, and specific Chiropractic adjustments help your body release and reintegrate energy to bring more balance and overall improved function. In addition, adjustments activate the innate intelligence of the nervous system, remove nerve interference, and enhance the flow of energy throughout the body promoting health and vitality.
Chiropractic truly is the medicine of the future.
What To Expect
In our fast-paced culture, we're conditioned to seek quick-fixes to our problems. Unfortunately that approach often leads to more complex problems.
With the exception of miracles (which do happen), real lasting change takes time.
Patterns of dis-ease do not happen overnight -- they accumulate over repetitive trauma, lack of awareness, and stress.
My approach to ensure you are well-adjusted and healthy is to meet your specific needs, align with your goals, and tweak your lifestyle through consistent care. Together we will unravel and heal long-standing patterns as well as establish new lifestyle habits that promote your health and well-being.
Initial Consultation (60 min) - During our initial meeting we review your health history and discuss your goals. I will also scan your body using kinesiology (muscle testing) to assess what your body may need in the moment. $180 plus tax
Integration/Follow-Up Session (60 min) - Recommended on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. $180 plus tax
Group Sessions (60 min) These sessions are offered through my non-profit ReSourcery Chiropractic and Counseling. Experience the power of healing alongside 2 others $85 suggested donation
Client Reflections
My favorite chiropractor by far!
“I've seen a handful of chiropractors and Dr. Randall is definitely my favorite. His approach is gentle, yet effective, and he is such a great listener”
— J.A. | Santa Fe
Truly miraculous!
“I was struggling with lower back pain for so long I had become despondent and depressed. I tried massage and physical therapy until a friend recommended Dr. Randall. After a few weeks of regular visits, the pain in my lower back has disappeared! I have so much more awareness of my body. I feel renewed!”
— L.K. | Santa Fe
Gentle and kind.
"I am so grateful for the work Dr. Randall offers. He has changed the way I think about and use my body. I definitely recommend working with him.
— H.H. | Santa Fe
Our Office

You deserve to feel good in your body.